

Riverside Girls High School

  Our school is situated 10 km from the centre of Sydney, on the upper reaches of the harbour foreshores just next to the Gladesville Bridge. Student enrolments are 980 and we have 65 teachers.

  As a comprehensive, public high school, we cater for girls of all abilities and interests. Sixty percent of our students come from a non English speaking background. We have students from forty eight different countries enrolled with us. Many of our students travel long distances to attend our school.

  At Riverside, we emphasise the importance of academic excellence and we are proud of our HSC results. We aim to provide a caring and dynamic learning environment where all girls can achieve their individual potential. A full range of subjects is available in the academic curriculum from Years 7 - 12. The school provides many opportunities for the girls to become involved in the life of the school as student leaders. We emphasise the importance of sport and cultural activities and extra curricular activities. Teachers are constantly undergoing further training and development in technology to support our commitment to excellence in technology education. Our technology facilities ensure that our students have well developed technology skills when they leave Riverside.

  We enjoy strong support from our parents and the local community. Our facilities include a multimedia technology centre, a performing arts space for music and drama, a senior study and a gym.

  We hope that our web page will provide you with up to date information about our school policies, curriculum, extra curricular activities and the achievements of our students. At Riverside we emphasise responsible learning and encourage our students to be aware of social and political issues.

  We believe that effective citizens of the future should have a well developed social conscience. We are very proud of the achievements of many of our students and we have included some of them here for our web visitors. We would welcome feedback on our web page.

  The 2012 year is the first in a three year planning cycle for school improvement. Through collaboration with the community, including parents and students, we have identified five priority areas: literacy; numeracy; student engagement; strengthened leadership capacity and organisational effectiveness.

  To assist in achieving these, we have laid the foundations for some initiatives in 2012. These initiatives, though well organised and planned, reflect the view of the school executive that we are confident to move in new directions and continually look for ways to stimulate the learning environment at Riverside:

  1. An accelerated class for Yr 10 students to complete their preliminary (Yr 11) VET IT (Information Technology) course and then their HSC course in 2013.

  2. A Connected Classroom program where Yr 8 G & T students will learn Mandarin via video conferencing facilities whilst extending their technology skills with the latest language learning software.

  3. An increase in the number of overseas students, particularly from China, and the cementing of a sister school relationship with a private middle school near Shanghai.

  As well, the school has gained $200K from a federal grant to update one kitchen to industry standard ready for delivery of the VET Hospitality course in a state-of-the-art professional environment.

  So, I trust that you will enjoy reading about Riverside Girls High School. Our motto, ‘Deeds Not Words’, suggests energy and positivity and if I added having trust and integrity to these, then I believe these are the characteristics we foster in our Riverside girls.

  I would also invite you to our P. & C. Meetings where, together with the new P. & C. President, Mr Greg Tunnock, I will be able to answer any questions you have about how Riverside supports the educational needs of our students.

更多该校的详细信息欢迎咨询晨晟留学之家 18071732056(同微信)


  • Q: Riverside Girls High School优势有哪些?

    Riverside Girls High School始建于1934年,现有学生2010名,是一所女子公立学校,距离市中心大约15分钟车程。学校学术成绩一直很优异,2010年HSC考试位列新洲公立学校排名第33位,教师经验丰富,课程设置全面。学校致力于培养学生的领导力、技术、天赋等才能,使学生全面发展。学校还开展多种活动,如辩论,公开演讲比赛艺术表演等等。

    Riverside Girls High School致力于提供关怀的动态的学习环境,在这里学生能够开发自己的潜能。

    Riverside Girls High School关注每一名学生的能力和兴趣。60%的学生来自于非英语国家的40多个国家和地区,很多学生不远千里前来就学。

    Riverside Girls High School提供7-12年级的广泛课程选择。学校同样注重运动和文化等课外活动。教师都一直接受职业发展培训已提高教学质量。

    选择Riverside 女子中学的四大原因:





  • Q: Riverside Girls High School毕业率如何?

    Riverside Girls High School始建于1934年,现有学生2010名,是一所女子公立学校,距离市中心大约15分钟车程。学校学术成绩一直很优异,2010年HSC考试位列新洲公立学校排名第33位,教师经验丰富,课程设置全面。学校致力于培养学生的领导力、技术、天赋等才能,使学生全面发展。学校还开展多种活动,如辩论,公开演讲比赛艺术表演等等。

    Riverside Girls High School致力于提供关怀的动态的学习环境,在这里学生能够开发自己的潜能。



    99%的学生获得进一步学习的机会(其中73%进入大学深造, 26%的学生进入职业学院)


