

Alstonville High School

  Alstonville High School is a co-educational, comprehensive school with a proud reputation for academic, sporting and cultural achievement and excellent teaching. We enjoy strong links with our community and promote important values of integrity, responsibility and respect for others. Our extensive range of academic and vocational subjects deliver great opportunities for success and cater to individual talents.

  We also have excellent programs for our gifted and talented students and students with special needs. We pride ourselves on our well-being programs that develop students' leadership skills including our Student Representative Council and peer support initiatives. Valued partnerships with our parents are very important to us. We warmly welcome parent feedback and involvement in school life.

  We are very proud of our school, the achievements of our students and staff and the positive relationships we establish with families.

  Alstonville High School has an Aboriginal Education Support group made up of staff, parents, carers and students. Our Aboriginal Student Support Officer is Rachel Varella. We work in partnership with AECG and are a member of the Federal Government DARE TO LEAD coalition.

  We are committed to closing the achievement gap for Aboriginal students. We know that we need to learn about, nurture and value the cultural identify of our Aboriginal students in order to assist them to be successful learners.

  We welcome Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family members, parents and community members to our school so that we can get to know each other, learn about the local Aboriginal community and develop shared goals and plans for Aboriginal students.

  We encourage Aboriginal students to learn how to negotiate and develop strategies by providing unique leadership opportunities.

  Alstonville High School Library Mission Statement

  Library staff at AHS is dedicated to providing and promoting intellectual and physical access for all to an extensive range of print, digital, and electronic resources, tools and technologies which will:

  meet the educational needs of all members of our staff and student body

  enhance and enrich our educational philosophy and curriculum

  stimulate interest and independence in literacy

  encourage our staff and students to create and manipulate ideas and information efficiently and effectively so that they may become independent life-long learners

  fulfil and comply with the contents of the Handbook for school libraries (2nd edition)

更多该校的详细信息欢迎咨询晨晟留学之家 18071732056(同微信)


  • Q: Alstonville High School有哪些优势?

    奥尔斯顿维尔中学(Alstonville High School),建于1986年,位于新南威尔士北海岸。这是一所男女混校的综合性中学。学校为学生创造了一个积极的、健康的、安全的学习环境,有一个多样性的、追求个人卓越的服务社区,一个合作的团队,而且教学质量和领导力非常自律。学校渴望教导学生成为一个终身的学习者,创造性、批判性思想和有效的沟通者。


    奥尔斯顿维尔中学(Alstonville High School)在学术、体育和文化成就方面都建立了良好的记录,并在学生成果方面有优秀的声誉。学校非常珍惜个人成就,鼓励学生建立一个强大的公民的意识和归属感。在教职人员的协助下,所有学生和家长都会发现这所学校的丰富多彩。

  • Q: Alstonville High School毕业率如何?

    奥尔斯顿维尔中学(Alstonville High School),建于1986年,位于新南威尔士北海岸。这是一所男女混校的综合性中学。学校为学生创造了一个积极的、健康的、安全的学习环境,有一个多样性的、追求个人卓越的服务社区,一个合作的团队,而且教学质量和领导力非常自律。学校渴望教导学生成为一个终身的学习者,创造性、批判性思想和有效的沟通者。



    北部海岸HSC考试中排名表现最好的学校之一,10%的学生ATAR 达到90分以上


