
留学方案 硕士选校
发布时间:2019-01-03 10:17:29

加州欧文大学Merage 商学院在2017年始设MS in Business Analytics项目。 虽然招生年数不长,但无论学校的综合实力以及商学院排名都是有目共睹, 商业分析项目也是非常具有特色。


首先,BA项目夏季开学,历时4个学期,在一年内完成13门课程, 并且学生可以选择Data Analytics Marketing AnalyticsOperations Analytics这个三个分支中的其中之一在进行深入性学习。


此外学校重视学生的就业情况, 每个学期内都有ProSeminar课程来帮助学生规划职业发展, 提供职业选择建议,讲授面试技巧或薪资商议等技能,从一入学开始就为学生毕业找工作进行准备。


但是Merage 商学院的MSBA 项目招生规模不大,学生人数维持在40左右。面对这样实力不俗的项目,同学们在申请过程中不可不忽视的一项重要内容就是面试。今天申老师就为大家详细解读一下MSBA项目的面试流程和要求。







What accomplishment are you most proud of

Describe one time that you had to prioritize your responsibility

Tell me about a time when you worked on a process, and you made a suggestion to make the process a lot more efficient

Where do you see yourself in three years

Tell us about your most satisfying and most disappointing experiences

Describe your leadership style

News skills learned last year

Being able to learn quickly on the job is important. Tell us about a situation when you had to pick up an essential skill quickly.

Tell me about a time when you were faced with an ethical dilemma. What did you do


第二轮为Skype面试。 video录制完成1-2周后,学校根据学生的video录制表现发放第二轮的面试通知。 第二轮面试的话属于常规类型的面试,所涉及到的题目基本是自我介绍,选原因/选校原因,职业规划,优劣势分析,团队经历等等。



Interview with Bryan

1. Introduce yourself.
2. Why choose MSBA and why UCI?
3. What are two accomplishments you are proud of? 
4. What can MSBA program help you professionally? 
5. What do you plan to do after graduation? 
6. What is your greatest strength?
7. Have you ever met conflict in a team, what did you deal with it.

 8. What other school did you apply, and why? and have you receive any offer?



Interview with Eric

1. Why MSBA?

2. Why UCI?

3. Go through your resume.

4. 你说你爱旅游,那你觉得你去过的地方中你最喜欢哪一个呢?

5. 你觉得你能给Paul Merage Business School带来什么?

6. 你的长短期career goal.

7. 你毕业之后最想去哪家公司工作呢?

8. 你有什么accomplishment是最proud of

9. 你还申请了哪些学校?哪些项目?

10. 你有什么问题想要问我的吗?

Interview with Asheley

1. Go over resume*

2.Why UCI ?

3. Why msba?

4. One accomplishment that you are most proud of

5. where do you want to work at after finish the program

6. where do you consider yourself in 10 years

7. Successful person

8. Strength

9. other school

10. How to handle conflict in the team

11.what can you bring to UCI

12. What to do for fun?

13. 还有什么关于我的信息长处我觉得他们还不知道的



另外针对Merage 商学院的面试还有一些特殊情况需要注意。针对UCI 本校生或其他美本学生, 学校建议学生参加on-campus 的面试,在这种情况下是可以不用参加Kiravideo面试,也能更快的得知申请结果。 所以意向于申请UCI 的美本学生在提交网申后可以早早的和学校录取委员会联系沟通确定on-campus的时间。

精心准备, 坚定信心,相信各位同学们一定可以获得女神学校的青睐, 斩获理想学校的offer

申老师: 177 1031 3367!


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